Welcome to Windows 11 UI
 Windows 11

Welcome to my build of the Windows 11 UI. I tried my best to recreate the Windows 11 UI based on the Fluent Design documentation and the recently released Windows 11 preview video. At the time of making this, that's all I had to go off. I'm curious to see how far I missed the mark once Windows 11 is publicly available. Have fun and play around!

Note: This web simulation of win11 is not anyway affliated with microsoft and it is not windows cloud 365.

Here are some things you can explore:

  • Check the weather by clicking the cloud in the taskbar
  • Open the Windows start menu
  • Drag windows around, close them, minimize them. Window states will update, z-indexes will update, windows will animate in and out depending on if you're restoring the window, closing the window, or minimizing the window.
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